Star Wars Avatar Creator
Game by: PrinceOfRedRoses for RinmaruGames
I have been eagerly awaiting this game for a long time! Rinmaru finally released her Star Wars dress up and it's amazing! First, choose whether you want to dress up a femme or masc character. Then, select which Star Wars race you would like them to be: Twi'lek, human, Togruta, Miraluka, Mirialan, Rattataki, Sith, Zabrak or Chiss (each choice opens up more accessories later). The game encompasses all your favorite versions. For example, you can create Princess Leia in her infamous (and now banned! scandal!) slave Leia outfit. You can, of course, make Rey from the new movie, and you can even make Ahsoka Tano from the Clone Wars cartoons! There's a robust selection of complex outfits, as well as accessories (pets!!!) and backgrounds. Enjoy! =D
rinmaru - veggiestudio - avatar maker - star wars - space - fantasy - science fiction - weapons - royalty - male - movies - fandom - character creator - ruffle - afro hair