Perfect Maiden ~ Princess Dress Up
Game by: Azalea's Dolls with tweaks by Doll Divine
Deep in a magical, enchanted forest lives this lovely lady. The epitome of the quintissential princess, with her long flowing locks and charming smile, she sings to the birds and has many friends. Can you be her seamstress, and help her craft a magical gown to meet her prince? Find the hidden key to open the tree cabinet, and begin your magic! Look for your seamstress pins to enchant the colors of items, and discover the other magical surprises hidden all around the game. Inspired by many beautiful Disney Princesses such as Giselle from Enchanted or Ariel the Little Mermaid and also unique creations. Enjoy!
Some of you might remember this gorgeous game from a few years ago over at Azalea's Dolls. You can now play it here, with some new magical tweaks! When finished, click on the looking glass to save your beautiful princess to your computer.
flash classics - dolldivine - azaleasdolls - art nouveau - fantasy - princess - disney princess - royalty - disney - fandom - movies - dolldivine collab - giselle - mobile