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Manga Lily


Manga Lily: Harajuku Dress Up

Game by: KibaGames

In this fun dress up game of the Lily series, we take a stroll down Harajuku street in Japan where style and fashion are king! As has become standard in the series, you have full control of Lily's eyeshadow, mascara, lipstick and blush! You can drag and drop pieces of hair and color each a differently, to create some truly unique and funky Japanese looks. You also get to design your own street fashion, with each clothing item yielding multiple and lovely variations. You can even apply fabric patterns! Finally, accessorize your doll with ear muffs, headphones, handbags and stuffed animals. Truly kawaii by every definition of the word =D

Tags: flash classics - fashion - harajuku - avatar maker - anime - make up - spielaffe - mobile

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