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14th - 17th Century
Pirates, witches and the Tudors
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14th - 17th Century
Pirates, witches and the Tudors


The Renaissance, of course, is named after the period of cultural growth in Europe, but here the tag is used to designate games from this era from all around the globe. The most generous estimates have the Renaissance encompassing from the 14th to the 17th centuries. Others see the core as happening in the 15th and 16th centuries (1400s and 1500s). It was a great time for the development of the arts in Europe, and the term 'Renaissance Man' was coined, referring to someone who was proficient at more than one art discipline. Here you can enjoy our beautiful collection of free, historical dress up games and character creators that are set in this time period, whether that be accurately or with a fantasy twist. The golden age of piracy occurred towards the end of the Renaissance (1650s - 1730s), as did the Salem Witch Trials (1692 - 1693). It also encompasses the Tudor dynasty and the Elizabethan era (the reign of Queen Elizabeth I), 1558-1603.
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