The Fly Squad: #squadgoals
Game by: Sara Kuan and Doll Divine
Sara has really spoiled us, by creating a robust and complex dress up game which features three body types, each having a full wardrobe crafted to suit them perfectly. In this dress up game you can create a hip and trendy urban fashion look for you and the entire squad! Fulfill your #squadgoals by getting everyone ready to rock it. You can recreate a huge variety of modern trends, and make it personal using the many drag and drop options. There are so many beautiful hairstyles to choose from, and all of them can be dipped in beautiful ombre colors of your choice. Add makeup and accessorize with jewelry or hipster glasses to complete the look. Choose from beautiful, hand-painted backgrounds to take your fly squad out on the town!
flash classics - sara kuan - dolldivine - friends - fashion - hipster - boho - mega hits - urban - tattoos - plus size - multiple bodies - scene maker - 2010s - 21st century - character creator - ruffle - afro hair